The conflict here is beyond our opinions and interests, its all about facts related to various points in addition to the Lebanese infrastructure reality, health factors, no better grades problem and other social isolation issues. To have a better image about my argument, check out these facts:
- A survey by Scholastic found that 45% of children aged six to 17 say that they prefer print books to e-books while only 16% preferred e-books.
- Manufacturing one tablet requires the extraction of 33 pounds of minerals, 79 gallons of water and 100 kilowatt hours of fossil fuels resulting in 66 pounds of carbon dioxide.
- All technological advancements require electrical supply all the time. Yet, Lebanon has been suffering from electrical shut downs since its civil war and the energy minister of Lebanon warned that there is no quick fix for Lebanon power cuts.
- Using tablets require an internet connection however, MTV reports that Lebanon's internet service was ranked 175 among 192 countries.
- A Canadian University did a multiple choice exam on their i-Pads. While students loved the idea and papers were saved, they felt more stressed; they had worries about unreliable internet or incorrectly recording their answers.
- Thiruchelvam believes that a major academic challenge is the kid's obvious distraction and social isolation.
- overusing handheld devices results in headaches, sleep disturbances and nausea in addition to other phenomena such as the "iPad shoulder", "tech-neck", itchy eyes and other serious health problems

while you've stated some pretty good arguments i however don't like to talk statistics, simply consider that speaking of a personal experience while it is safe to say that the internet saved people a lot of time researching and stuff, it did however reduce the essence of the subjects we present i dare anyone to tell me that whatever information they wish for, say if we're talking about a long study could be found without paying for it online, it's not possible, books are always available for free when you're searching the library, and if that isn't enough reason i'm one of those who believe that this advancement took out the value of the student's effort everything come out so easily that it seems so pointless at this point to try out anything.
ReplyDeletetablets for me is better cause I can read it any where & any time (in the dark - bus - bed etc..). also I don't worry about forgetting where I stopped or the weight of a big book or about my children making it a coloring book :). Besides I may have a whole library in my tablet to choose from.
ReplyDeleteAlthough those who were with tablets had enough statistics and research to convince us with their point of view. However, I still encourage course books rather than tablets because holding a book has its own special flavor and impact on me.
ReplyDeleteNowadays many researchers showed that tablets are better than books, but i still prefer and encourage books rather than tablets.
ReplyDeleteYou are right! Lebanese government can't afford electricity and internet that schools need if they decide to use tablets instead of books. However, the other team presented E-ink. E-ink is a tablet. But this tablet saves energy. You need to charge it once a week and then it lasts for the whole week! Add to that, you only need to be connected to the internet when you want to download things on it, but then you can use it without any connection!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed being a judge on this debate. It was very sophisticated and both parties respected each other. You guys were really professional in handling the argument you had to refute.
ReplyDeleteOmg I just wrote about my point of view on this subject haha!
ReplyDeleteThere are some interesting points on both sides but I ultimately chose tablets because of convenience. It just works well and doesn't offer enough to discourage my usage. I won't go into detail because I had quite a bit to say on my blog xD